Monday, June 9, 2014

What to Wear: Las Vegas Edition

Jake and I are fortunate enough to be leaving for another warm weather getaway today, we are off to Las Vegas this time! Since we don't often get time off together, when we do we relish in every minute of it!
While we are not 21 anymore (ahhhh the days...) we do still plan on going out at night, I mean come on, it's Vegas after all! Being in my late twenties, I find myself second guessing my "going out attire"  every year...Is it appropriate to wear this or that? Am I showing to much skin? Do I look like I am Trying to be 21? lol the list of rediculous thoughts go on and on. So what does an almost thirty chick where in Vegas to still feel "hot" all while staying classy? Well ladies...I have a few ideas! Below are some "going out" ensembles I think would work perfect for any occasion you are wanting to showcase your classy side! Keep in mind, what really matters is how you feel in the clothes you wear...There is nothing more sexy than a woman who exudes confidence!

For this trip I am planning on bringing fitted pencil skirts and pairing them with simple tanks and crop tops. I am loving the look of matching seperates right now. Below is a compilation of winning options if you too are searching for key "vegas-esque" peices.

What is your "go-to" night out style? 

1 comment:

  1. Ofun! It's Vegas baby, the shorter and tighter the better! I still rock the mini's like I'm forever 21! lol

    Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back soon love!

    xo- Julie
    Peace. Love. LOL!
    Haute Khuuture Blog
